I found many new places on Draenor that look so appealing I could just look at them and take dozens of screenshots. Beautiful graphics, new character models (especially tauren females are sooo cute!) and all seem generally very well done. Anyhow, my expectations of Ashran were very high but it turned out be sort of a disappointment.
I used to think of Ashran as this huge PvP area where you would always have a chance to meet an enemy player, or even two at a time. An area full of exciting fights, ganking and fun. But I didn't realize it was just a big battleground in which people fight in groups and use AoE like professional dungeon farmers.
Worst of all is that there are guards and elite mobs to ruin all the fun. Of course there are also quests, vendors and other unrelated things. I could live with them but not with the guards and mobs. It seems ridiculous to have them there.
I'm not completely against guards though. It's fine for me if there are a few guards in each faction's base. It's good to have even one safe place. As long as the bases are small and the guards are not all around the zone.
More negative words about WoD? The class balance seems very bad at the moment but will most likely get fixed (hopefully) when the expansion is out. Classes also seem more simple and easier to play. I didn't like it that much because the way you play a class (so-called rotation) seems so simple now plus having more abilities just gave all classes more flexibility. It also forced players to think more about, for example, how to play against mages and how against rogues.
Since half of this post already consists of whining, (there must be something positive in the end of a good post I've heard) I must mention a few awesome things in WoD because it doesn't seem to be completely bullshit at all. Skirmish arena is back, the new models are totally amazing, not to mention the new login screen!